ECU Chapter of National Student Speech Language Hearing Association
The ECU Chapter of National Student Speech Language Hearing Association (NSSLHA) is a pre-professional organization for undergraduate and graduate students entering the fields of speech-language pathology and audiology that encourages involvement at the local and national NSSLHA. The group conducts one general council meeting per month. NSSLHA is involved in a variety of fundraising, volunteer and social events throughout the year. Some of these events include: hosting and planning the Annual ECU Speech and Hearing Symposium for professionals and students; running to raise money for Autism; collecting shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child; helping the community in Greenville, NC clean up after Hurricane Matthew; stocking the Little Free Libraries in local parks with books; and organizing food drives.
Officers and Advisors
- Advisor: Tricia Carter
- President: Julia Scott
- Vice President: Caroline Sprinkle
- Treasurer: Holly Summerlin
- Secretary: Kendal Brice
- Fundraising Chair: Anna Paige Daniel
- Service Chair: Shana Bond
- Social Chair: Savannah Boyd
- Publicity Chair: McKenzie Perry
- Historian: Luz-Hazel Walrath
Community Service and Events
Student-Run Speech-Language and Hearing Symposium
ECU’s NSSLHA chapter plans, organizes, and hosts the Annual Meta M. Downes Speech-Language and Hearing Symposium each year in the fall. This is a conference in which speakers from the field of Communication Sciences and Disorders lecture on current issues and practices. This event is student run, and this fall marks the 47th Annual Symposium.
3.1 miles for the Autism Society of North Carolina
Every year our team, the “ECU SPEECHIES”, participates in the walk/run for the Autism Society of North Carolina. Aside from getting the chance to walk/run for a great cause, we are able to set up a table to spread awareness about Better Speech and Hearing month and NSSLHA.
The Gift of Love in the Shape of a Shoebox
During the months of October and November, our organization gathers item such as toys, crayons, and everyday necessities. The items are put together into shoeboxes, taken to a collection site, and shipped off to be distributed to kids in more than 150 countries and territories during the holiday season.
Neighbors helping Neighbors
On October 22, 2016, some of our NSSLHA members went out into the community and helped clean up the aftermath of Hurricane Matthew in Greenville, NC. There were trees, trash, and debris scattered all over local neighborhoods surrounding the Tar River, and we assisted in cleaning up as much as possible.
Free Books = Free Smiles
The Little Free Library is a literacy project that NSSLHA began in April of 2016 and continues to work on. Volunteering members took two old newspaper boxes, painted them to look brand new, and placed them in two parks in Greenville. The boxes are stocked monthly with children’s books. While playing at the park, children get the chance to read and have the option to take a book home.
Food for Thought
Our organization hosted a food drive and took the collected goods to the Food Bank of Central and Eastern North Carolina. Donating to the food bank is a way to help provide food for people in need, especially around the holidays.
NSSLHA Chapter Honors
ECU’s NSSLHA Chapter received Gold Chapter Honors for the 2017-2018 academic year. “The Chapter Honors awards recognize outstanding National NSSLHA chapters that engage in ways that support NSSLHA’s mission to inspire, empower, and support students in communication sciences and disorders (CSD) to engage in leadership opportunities, grow professionally, and excel in their future careers.” (ASHA)
Gold Honor Eligibility Requirements:
- Maintaining National NSSLHA Affiliation
- Participating in at least two Better Speech and Hearing Month Fundraiser and/or Advocacy Activities
- Donating a Minimum of $300 to NSSLHA Loves
- Donating a Minimum of $200 to NSSLHA Scholarship
- Posting Monthly Chapter Updates to the NSSLHA Community
- Maintaining 30% National NSSLHA membership within the Chapter

Gold Honors Recognition:
- NSSLHA Chapter Honors Logo
- Recognition Ribbon at ASHA Convention
- Chapter Recognition on NSSLHA Website
- Chapter Spotlight in NSSLHA Updates E-newsletter
- Chapter Spotlight in NSSLHA Blog
- Giveaways for Chapter Use